Thursday, March 24, 2016

Letter to Parents Regarding Placement for Next Year

Hello, Great Falls Parents!

It is hard to believe that spring is here and that it is time to think about class placements for next school year. Great Falls recognizes that placement requires a thoughtful review of any child’s social-emotional and academic needs. We take your child’s placement very seriously and spend a great deal of time doing our best to create balanced learning environments. Our overall goal is to create classrooms in which all students can be successful learners and all teachers can be successful teachers.

The first step in an effective placement process is to gather information from the people who know our students best - you! Great Falls recognizes that placement requires a thoughtful review of the whole child, assessing all factors that impact learning. It is for this reason that we seek parent input. The purpose of reaching out is to give you an opportunity to share information about your child that may be of assistance to teachers and school administration in the placement process.

We are requesting that you please share any information about your child as a learner that you believe may have a direct and specific bearing on his/her placement for next year. This may include learning styles, specific classroom conditions that you believe would best serve your child’s learning, or any other factors that will enable a successful school experience. School staff will use this information to assist in the placement process. Please complete the request and return it back to Great Falls by Friday, April 15th. Thank you very much for your input and help with our placement process.

As always, please feel free to reach out to me at any time with questions and feedback. I am available through email at and by phone at 222-1050.  Please follow my Twitter page & blog, which can be found at and Happy Spring!

Kindly yours,
Becky Fortier

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