Friday, September 18, 2020

What does learning at home on Fridays look like for your child?


Please note that there are some Fridays when students are on campus to make up for holidays: 

Oct. 16th (A), Nov. 6th (B), Nov. 13th (A), Dec. 4th (B), Jan. 8th (B), Jan. 22 (A), June 4th (A). 


Fridays are counted as a virtual school day for your child. Although no new learning will occur, our staff is available and working a full day. 


  • Weekly Virtual Class Meetings: 

Teachers will be hosting a weekly whole-class virtual community building activity with both A and B groups simultaneously. These video conferencing events will take place on Fridays when no students are scheduled to be on campus.  


The exact time of the “class meeting” may vary from teacher to teacher, but will last approximately 20-30 minutes.  The length of the sessions will vary depending on the age of the students and the design of the activity.  


Students will be using the laptops (Chromebooks) that they received last spring to participate in these class meetings.  Because we have a large number of students who do not yet have one of these school-issued Chromebooks, the first round of class meetings will be delayed until we are able to ensure that all students have equal access (Sept. 25th or Oct. 2nd).  


Our kindergarteners and “new to Gorham” students have not yet received their Chromebooks.


  • Academic Expectations: 

Classroom teachers will not be reaching out to families on Fridays with any “new” learning activities.


If your child seems to finish their work earlier than anticipated, the following activities are highly recommended no matter the age level: reading (or being read to), journal writing, games that support math skills, and outdoor activities that promote a healthy lifestyle. 


Your child may have work that needs to be completed from earlier in the week. 


There may be a time when your child’s teacher may reach out to you to work with your child (remotely) in a one-on-one setting or small group for a variety of purposes (remediation, enrichment, etc.). 


  • Creative Arts: 

On Fridays, all families can expect to receive a menu of optional activities from our Creative Arts teachers (art, music, PE, library/media, technology, and social skills).  If students are looking to engage in some fun and enriching activities, this will be a great resource.


“A” Schedule




Thursday / Friday



Independent reading, projects or assignments to work on at home



Independent reading, projects or assignments to work on at home

  • Virtual Class Meeting

  • Complete unfinished work from the week

  • Read

  • Complete optional activities

  • Possible virtual meeting for special education services

  • Possible virtual meeting for RTI services

  • Creative Arts activities


“B” Schedule




Friday / Monday



Independent reading, projects or assignments to work on at home



  • Virtual Class Meeting

  • Complete unfinished work from the week

  • Read

  • Complete optional activities

  • Possible virtual meeting for special education services

  • Possible virtual meeting for RTI services

  • Creative Arts activities

Independent reading, projects or assignments to work on at home



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