Wednesday, May 15, 2024

May Letter

Dear Great Falls Families,

Happy May to our incredible school families! As we embrace the beauty of this month, filled with blooming flowers and warmer days, let's also celebrate the growth and achievements of our students. May is a time of renewal and reflection, and we are grateful for the opportunity to learn and thrive together. Let's make this month memorable with exciting adventures in learning and unforgettable moments of togetherness.

Parent Step Up Meeting: Tonight!! Join us for an informative event where teachers representing grades 1 through 5 will highlight key aspects of each grade level. This is your chance to gain insights into what the upcoming school year will entail for your child. Our teachers will discuss both social and academic expectations for each grade and will be available to address any questions you may have. This Parent Step Up event will be held on Thursday, May 16th, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm in the Great Falls cafeteria. Please note that while Mrs. Fortier will be attending her senior child's event, Mrs. Etienne will be leading the session. We look forward to your presence! If you are unable to attend, don't worry. The presentation will be shared widely in the days following the event.

Adopt a Classroom: On Wednesday, May 22nd we will wrap up our Adopt a Classroom experience. Great Falls Elementary School partnered with Gorham High School to establish a monthly mentorship between high school and elementary students. High school students have volunteered to dedicate approximately 1 morning a month assigned to a K-5 classroom. The partnership or “adoption of a classroom” was intended to create a caring relationship between and among students. We wanted elementary students to “aspire” to high school and beyond. By volunteering in Great Falls classrooms, each high school student made a commitment to be a positive role model, both in and out of school, for younger students. It has been a great experience!

Grade Level Field Days at USM: To celebrate the end of the school year, we will be facilitating district-wide grade-level wellness events at the University of Southern Maine field house from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Parents and guardians are welcome to attend and observe the events. This event is always a highlight of the year and it is the first time back at USM since the pandemic!

As field days approach, we just wanted to give you a heads-up about the University of Southern Maine's new parking setup for visitors to campus, including those attending field days. If you're volunteering or dropping by for K-5 field days, make sure you're aware of the parking fees. You can find more details on the parking website:

May 29th - 1st Grade Field Day 

May 30th - 2nd Grade Field Day 

May 31st - Kindergarten Field Day 

June 3rd - 3rd Grade Field Day 

June 4th - 4th Grade Field Day 

June 5th - 5th Grade Field Day 


Becky Fortier and Deanna Etienne

Great Falls Administrators

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